May is a month for many things, Mother, Celiac Awareness, turning of season, employee wellness, Star Wars even for some, and celebration of foods, such as mango, potato, rhubarb, and lime. And while the month is coming to an end, I want to share a gluten-free story - a story that is beyond celiac, that hopefully you can resonate with, whether you are struggling with sensitive digestion, wheat allergy, Gluten ataxia, Crohn, or other non-celiac gluten intolerance and have to embark on a gluten-free journey.
I was a young mother and while parenting, I was learning a lot too from my daughter. Especially when bringing up my daughter, nutrients come on top. So when I found out that I was sensitive to gluten, I soon came to realize that I’m missing out on a lot of nutrients by focusing on things I can’t eat, or consuming substitute products. No one was there to help or guide me on what I COULD eat especially to regain the nutrient deficiencies due to a gluten-free diet. At that time, I was 28-years old. I was experiencing anemia, anxiety, depression, feeling bloated, and just anything besides myself. Fast forward to now, at 51, I’m feeling lighter, healthier, and happier - because I’m sticking to a Healthy gluten-free living.
Focus on what you CAN eat and ENJOY
There are so many things that you can still enjoy while being gluten-free. Rather than fixated on “cannot”, focus on the “can” and don’t miss out on your nutrients. Choose the natural ingredients. While we all miss our bread and cookies, I have found that there are no other shortcuts than to make it yourself at home. And believe me, it’s easy - my recipes are made that way so that my daughter with learning disabilities can easily follow. I have developed hundreds of recipes and tested them thousands of times to make them fool proof. The reason why many of our Eat For Lifers stand by these recipes is because of the combination of ingredients that contain all the nutrients incorporated in it - and of course, it’s so yummy that they forget this is gluten-free. From seeds to nuts to natural plant flour used, you can fully enjoy cookies, bread, cupcakes, and other baked goods, not only gluten-free, but guilt-free too. Gluten-free diet is not deprivation, but gaining Freedom! I truly believe what we eat should help us to be healthier and happier.
Gluten-Free on a Budget
Back during the time when I was in a phase of deep struggles, I only had $20 per week to spend on groceries for me and my daughter. And I maximized it. Prioritized spending is a life skill that I think many of us overlook. Instead of splurging on fast food/ takeout or emotional spending, which is only ONE meal (and you’ll have to starve for the rest of the week), I bought canned beans, soup, and on-sale produce from the grocery store - just sticking with the natural ingredients and the basics. Then I cooked bean stew and meal-prepped for the whole WEEK. I made sure that my daughter and I got the nutrients that we needed, even on a 20 bucks budget.
With all that said, I want to bring back these life skills, such as cooking, baking, knowing and what to pick for your gluten-free meal-prep, to the community. Right in our Gluten-Free Pantry, we have all the basics and they are All Gluten-Free. There is a big gap we want to fill. It is also important to be aware that non-celiac gluten sensitivity (NGCS) needs to be addressed too and while we don’t always know the specific cause, there are ways to free yourself from feeling sluggish and you are not alone in this! Moving to next month, we will be offering workshops and Make It Gluten-Free Classes online and in-person. EVERYONE is Welcome! We are super excited for what's to come and hope to see many of you in our Make It Gluten-Free Classes!